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Queer Kahoot!

With all the challenges queer students face at BYU, it can be difficult to set aside time to focus on fun. USGA activities are a bright spot in the week for many BYU students looking for a little queer joy, and this week’s activity was no exception.

USGA members and friends gathered at the Provo City Library for a fun and competitive Kahoot game. At first, questions centered on trivia on a variety of queer topics, including historical events, pop culture, and important symbols. However, participants were soon surprised by a bonus game of “Lesbian or Adam Sandler” where they guessed whether a cropped photo featured a lesbian or Adam Sandler based on the outfit. After the first round, players were grouped into teams for a second “speed round” where they had to recall answers from the previous game. 

Andy, Student Outreach Chair for USGA, planned the activity. He created the Kahoot game hoping it would educate participants and bring them together. He said, “I loved the questions about queer history and lesser-known flags! Everyone was clumped together asking each other what they thought the answer was, and it was really cool to see!”

Join us next week to be part of the fun, community, and joy!



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